Wednesday, August 4, 2010

ColdMVC: Basic CMS app request handling

I wanted to try make a cms app with ColdMVC so I took a stab at it. This is my first draft at a cms app. Below is a light weight request handler for cms views. We will break it down in a sec.

* @accessors true
* @extends coldmvc.Controller
* @controller cmsview
* @layout cms_public
component {

property _CMSPage;

* @events requestStart
function requestStart(){

var page = _CMSPage.findByAddress(getPath());

/*---check if the path is a cms page---*/
if(len( gt 0){


function render(){

var path = getPath();
var actual_path = expandPath("/app/views/#path#");

/*---handles pages that end in a slash. Ex:*/
if(right(path,1) eq "/"){
actual_path = actual_path & "index.cfm";
path = path & "index.cfm";

/*---if the file exists render it, else run the page's html through the cms_public layout.---*/


}else{ = _CMSPage.findByAddress(getPath());

if(len( eq 0){





* @events invalidController, invalidAction
function render404(){ = _CMSPage.findByAddress("404");

if(len( eq 0){"html","Sorry. We couldn't find the page you were looking for.");



function getPath(){

var path = $.event.path();

if(left(path,1) eq "/"){
path = replace(path,"/","");

return path;



When a request begins I use the event "requestStart" to check if it's a cms page. This happens here...

* @events requestStart
function requestStart(){

var page = _CMSPage.findByAddress(getPath());

/*---check if the path is a cms page---*/
if(len( gt 0){


As you can see above we are checking if getPath() is a cms page. getPath() gets the tail end of the url. Example: If the url read "", getPath() would return "contact_us/". This happens here...

function getPath(){

var path = $.event.path();

if(left(path,1) eq "/"){
path = replace(path,"/","");

return path;


If a cms page isn't found the request will run as usual. If a cms page is found it will go to render(). render() does a lot of checks.

First, we check if there is no file extension, example ".cfm", on path. If there is none I put in an "index.cfm" at the end. I do this for the next check which checks to see if the file exists.

Second, next we check if the file path actually exists in the app/views/ directory. If it does I render it. I do this because some pages might need to be coded where as other pages will be setup with a "web page generater" tool.

Third, if the file doesn't exists I can assume it's a page that was created by web page generator tool.

Lastly, I check if the page doesn't exists. I do this because my config.ini uses render() as defaults.

If someone requests "" the path won't exist. Therefore we excute the 404 handler, which is called render404().

This happens here...

function render(){

var path = getPath();
var actual_path = expandPath("/app/views/#path#");

/*---handles pages that end in a slash. Ex:*/
if(right(path,1) eq "/"){
actual_path = actual_path & "index.cfm";
path = path & "index.cfm";

/*---if the file exists render it, else run the page's html through the cms_public layout.---*/


}else{ = _CMSPage.findByAddress(getPath());

if(len( eq 0){





If a page doesn't exists in the cms pages, an invalid controller or action is found I render404() is executed. I first check to see if a 404 page was created in the cms pages else I render my own html message.

This happens here...

* @events invalidController, invalidAction
function render404(){ = _CMSPage.findByAddress("404");

if(len( eq 0){"html","Sorry. We couldn't find the page you were looking for.");



As I have been going through these functions I didn't explain where the pages are getting renderer. If you noticed at the top of first block of code there was an annotation @layout cms_public. All cms pages, whether they are coded up or database driven, run through the layout cms_public.cfm. Here's what it looks like...

< !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html lang="en-us" xmlns="">

<cfif structKeyExists(params,"page")>


All database driven pages run through a view in "views/cms/view/index.cfm" which looks like this...


Thoughts on what I have so far?

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