Here's is my test case. We will break it down in a sec.
<cfset query = queryNew("id,json")/>
<cfset queryAddRow(query)/>
<cfset querySetCell(query,"id","1")/>
<cfset querySetCell(query,"json","")/>
<cfset array = [{id=1,name="Joe"},{id=2,name="Tony"},{id=3,name="Ryan"}]/>
<cfset queryAddRow(query)/>
<cfset querySetCell(query,"id","2")/>
<cfset querySetCell(query,"json",serializeJSON(array))/>
<cfloop query="query">
<cfset json = []/>
<cfif len(query.json) gt 0>
<cfset json = deserializeJSON(query.json)/>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(json)#" index="i">
The above test case will error out. Because you can't loop the following because ColdFusion thinks that variable "json" is a string, even though I declared it as an array.
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(json)#" index="i">
First we make a query with a json string in it
<cfset query = queryNew("id,json")/>
<cfset queryAddRow(query)/>
<cfset querySetCell(query,"id","1")/>
<cfset querySetCell(query,"json","")/>
<cfset array = [{id=1,name="Joe"},{id=2,name="Tony"},{id=3,name="Ryan"}]/>
<cfset queryAddRow(query)/>
<cfset querySetCell(query,"id","2")/>
<cfset querySetCell(query,"json",serializeJSON(array))/>
Next we loop the query and check if there is a json string in the query column "JSON". I started an array with the same name as query column json. I did this so if there isn't any json after we deserialize the json it won't error when we try to loop the array.
<cfset json = []/>
<cfif len(json) gt 0>
<cfset json = deserializeJSON(query.json)/>
Lastly I try to loop the array "json" and output the data, but it errors out because it still is looking at the loop variable "json" not the variable I declared "json". Yes, I can solve this problem easily but changing my declared variable from "json" to "array" or something like that, but I wanted to be clear what I was loop...and I just wanted to use the variable name "json".
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