Sunday, March 14, 2010

Small == Big

Have you ever tried to over architect something so that it fits all cases and solves world hunger?

I think we have all ran into this problem before and I think it's due to fear. We are afraid that the wierd, the one-off case comes along and we have to re-work our code that we spent so much time and thought into. Let's be honest no-one likes to go back and repeat something all over again, just because of one little feature/request. Sadly, no matter what you do, it will quickly become out-dated and need to be looked at again. On the flip side, the cool part is that you get solve the issue in a new way.

One thing that helps remind me not to over architect something is to start small. Solve your issue for one record. Example: "Add one user to the system". Solving for one record helps you identify the core pieces that make up the record.

Next, go back and tweak your code to do a group of records. Example: "Add a group of users to the system." Processing records in a group helps save the end user time.

And finally package your code, if you it's generic enough, to be used by other systems. Packaging helps the next developer who needs to solve a similar issue jump start there development efforts and gives them a feeling of "safety net" that someone else can help them if they get stuck.

Going back and touching your code sucks but it can be made more fun if you try to solve for the group of records and packaging. It will help you discover a new solution to your issue and keep you interested in your re-work.

1. One record
2. A group of records
3. Package it for the next developer

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