First, I created my own directory in my project called "helpers".
Second, I added a cfc named "format".
Third, I extended the ViewHelper from ColdMVC. Not sure, If this is the correct Helper Util class I am suppose to be using...but it worked.
<cfcomponent extends="coldmvc.utils.ViewHelper">
<cffunction name="money" access="public" output="false" returntype="any">
<cfargument name="amount" required="false" default="0"/>
<cfreturn dollarFormat(arguments.amount)/>
Lastly, I used my new helper function:
If you noticed in money() I set a default value of zero. For some odd reason when I put "product.getPrice()" in for the amount argument it has a value of [empty string] and it throws an error. The error says "The AMOUNT parameter to the money function is required but was not passed in.". But clearly there is a value of [empty string]. If any one knows what up give me hollar.