alter table tablename
add constraint DF_tablename_columnname default ((0)) for columnname
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Default on bit column in sql.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Merging cfdocuments into pdf without creating a file
So I was working with a dms and wanted to try not writing and reading pdf files but instead using the cf and db to display the data. I struggled with invoking cfpdfparam source attribute on cfpdf action="merge" because it doesn't take straight up binary, which is what cfdocument is returning. So I created a pointer variable and passed that in and it accepted. Kinda wierd it wouldn't accept it but oh well. Check it out.
<cfset pages = beans.docService.getPagesByVersionID(versionID=versionID)/>
<!--- create array to hold cfdocuments --->
<cfset documents = []/>
<!--- loop pages and create cfdocuments --->
<cfloop query="pages">
<cfdocument name="pdf_name" format="pdf" pageheight="#pages.height#" pagewidth="#pages.width#" pagetype="#pages.doc_page_type_Name#" orientation="pages.document_orientation_type_name#">
<!--- get the page layout --->
<cfset layout[id] = beans.docService.getLayoutByID(pages.layout_id) />
<!--- get xmltransform--->
<cfset html[id] = xmltransform(xml,layout[id].xslt) />
<!--- set margins --->
<!--- output data --->
<!--- add binary cfdocument to the --->
<cfset arrayappend(documents,pdf_name) />
<!--- merge cfdocuments into 1 pdf. this will return some binary --->
<cfpdf action="merge" name="final">
<cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(documents)#" index="i">
<!--- set pointer for cfpdfparam source, this part took me forever to figure out because the source attribute is looking for a pointer variable. you can't just pass in the binary --->
<cfset pointer = documents[i]/>
<cfpdfparam source="pointer">
<!--- output the pdf --->
<cfcontent type="application/pdf" variable="#tobinary(final)#" reset="No" >
<!--- get the pages --->
<cfset pages = beans.docService.getPagesByVersionID(versionID=versionID)/>
<!--- create array to hold cfdocuments --->
<cfset documents = []/>
<!--- loop pages and create cfdocuments --->
<cfloop query="pages">
<cfdocument name="pdf_name" format="pdf" pageheight="#pages.height#" pagewidth="#pages.width#" pagetype="#pages.doc_page_type_Name#" orientation="pages.document_orientation_type_name#">
<!--- get the page layout --->
<cfset layout[id] = beans.docService.getLayoutByID(pages.layout_id) />
<!--- get xmltransform--->
<cfset html[id] = xmltransform(xml,layout[id].xslt) />
<!--- set margins --->
<!--- output data --->
<!--- add binary cfdocument to the --->
<cfset arrayappend(documents,pdf_name) />
<!--- merge cfdocuments into 1 pdf. this will return some binary --->
<cfpdf action="merge" name="final">
<cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(documents)#" index="i">
<!--- set pointer for cfpdfparam source, this part took me forever to figure out because the source attribute is looking for a pointer variable. you can't just pass in the binary --->
<cfset pointer = documents[i]/>
<cfpdfparam source="pointer">
<!--- output the pdf --->
<cfcontent type="application/pdf" variable="#tobinary(final)#" reset="No" >
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The litte things
As I logged into my bank accounts online I realized how much of the little things are missing from a page. Details such as label tags on radio and checkboxes, titles on links, and directions steps in a wizard are just to name a few. When working with presentation, people remember every little detail. So remember to think of the little things.
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